The missing 17-year-old jogger finally found alive


France 2

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The 17-year-old jogger, whose disappearance was reported on Monday, November 8 in Mayenne, was found alive on Tuesday in the town of Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe). The journalist Camille Guttin takes stock of the case for the 8 Hours of France 2, Wednesday.

The 17-year-old jogger who disappeared Monday, November 8 in the department of Mayenne was found alive Tuesday in the town of Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe). In shock, the teenager explained that she had managed to save herself. “These are his first statements, confirm journalist Camille Guttin, live from Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Wednesday. She would have fled to escape her captor. That’s what she said when she walked into a snack bar in Sablé-sur-Sarthe. ”

The young girl arrived there bloodied around 8:30 p.m. “She was immediately taken care of before help arrived., continues the journalist. She was in shock so she did not formally testify, but that is what she said. Immediately, however, the scene was frozen so that the scientific and technical police could pick up the slightest clue, the slightest indication allowing the jogger’s route to be retraced.. “The business where the young girl took refuge is about ten kilometers from the place of her disappearance.”The trail of kidnapping is privileged (…). Today, 100 gendarmes are again mobilized in security and search operations“, adds Camille Guttin.

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