the minute of silence is “a moment which is important for the whole country”, assures Sophie Vénétitay, deputy general secretary of the teaching union SNES-FSU



Video duration:
3 mins


Monday October 16, three days after the assassination of a literature teacher in Arras, it is time for contemplation in all educational establishments. For Sophie Vénétitay, deputy general secretary of the SNES-FSU teaching union, this time of tribute is “important”.

Monday October 16, high school Gambetta-Carnot was evacuated to Arras (North), after a bomb threat. For Sophie Vénétitay, deputy general secretary of the SNES-FSU teaching union, “there is concern because we have a colleague who was murdered on Friday [13 octobre]“. She continues: “IHe was assassinated because he was doing his job, exactly like Samuel Paty. This morning, in the two hours of discussions we had with colleagues, it is clear to us that there is fear.

“Respectful” students

However, despite the fear, Sophie Vénétitay emphasizes that there is a “will“to continue teaching and not to give up”terrorize“The teachers had a time for discussion Monday morning. According to the unionist, this moment is “important” to can “work with colleagues on what we answer [aux] students.” “It was a moment full of emotion with my colleagues. There was also anger“, she explains.Regarding the minute of silence, scheduled for 2 p.m., Sophie Vénétitay indicates that “this is a moment that is important for the whole country“. She assures that the “students are respectful“.

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