The minor victims of Abbé Pierre may be taken care of by the National Independent Authority for Recognition and Reparation

The INIRR was created in the wake of the Sauvé report on pedocriminality in the Church. It is responsible for symbolic or financial reparations for minor victims of sexual violence by priests.


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A man walks past a photo of Abbé Pierre on January 21, 2012 at the Abbé Pierre Center in Esteville (Seine-Maritime). (KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP)

Following the publication of 17 new testimonies from victims of sexual violence by Abbé Pierre, the National Independent Authority for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr) says it is ready to take charge of victims who were minors at the time of the events, franceinfo learned from the institution on Monday, September 9.

The INIRR is the body responsible for symbolic or financial reparations for minor victims of sexual violence by priests. It was created in the wake of the Sauvé report on pedocriminality in the Church. At least four victims of Abbé Pierre who were minors at the time of the events were identified in reports published in July and September by Emmaüs and the Abbé Pierre Foundation.

Without distinguishing between minors and adults, Emmaüs International indicated on RTL on Monday: “to work” to compensation for victims.

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