the minor charged

Arrested a few minutes after the fact, the high school student was hospitalized 48 hours later at the end of his police custody. While a judicial investigation was opened for attempted murder, homicidal intent and premeditation having been retained. The young 15-year-old minor was finally presented to the investigating judge on Wednesday September 28. “He was put on trial” indicates the public prosecutor of Caen Amélie Cladière. “He was incarcerated in a medical environment“, she specifies.

The reasons for the action still unexplained

The assault occurred at the end of French class at 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. The high school student, a 2nd grade student, took a knife out of his bag and injured the teacher in the neck. The scene took place in front of a dozen teenagers. Several intervened to help the professor, while the attacker fled. “The question of the reasons for this action remains unresolved at this stage of the investigation.“says Amélie Cladière.

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