This campaign is part of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
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The Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye is launching a new prevention and awareness campaign against LGBT+phobias in middle and high school on Wednesday, May 17, called “Here, you can be yourself”.
“The stakes are serious”says the Ministry of National Education in a press release. “The consequences of homophobia and transphobia are known: insults, harassment, exclusion, school failure, withdrawal, and sometimes suicidal behavior.” The school of the Republic must therefore “take a lucid look at these situations and fight against the isolation of students”. The department acknowledges that it “there is still a long way to go for all students to feel fully welcomed in schools“, despite the actions that may have been taken “for 10 years”.
>> LGBTphobia: physical attacks on the “worrying rise” last year, according to the annual report of SOS Homophobia
Give “all their places to LGBT + students” within their school environment
The message “Here you can be yourself” is designed to remind “to the entire educational community that the school is a place of safety and well-being, as much as it is a place of learning”. Launched in all colleges and high schools, the campaign must be “a moment of mobilization, solidarity, visibility and reflection around issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity”hopes the ministry.
But it is also the culmination “actions carried out throughout the year” school. Educational materials are also promised “to address issues relating to discrimination and stereotypes based on sexual orientation or gender identity”. Resources are also available on the Internet on the Éduscol site.
An observatory for the fight against LGBTphobia
The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye finally announces the creation of an observatory to fight against LGBTphobia in each academy to support all the actions developed in the field. “Each Establishment” must be “a place where everyone can build themselves serenely”concludes the ministry, which is counting on this campaign to create “the conditions for a calm and protective school climate”.
The listening and support services for victims and witnesses of homophobia and transphobia answers questions from students or teachers every day from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. on 0 810 20 30 40 or 01 41 83 42 81 (free call depending on the packages). Students who are victims of harassment dial 3020, the toll-free “No to harassment” number. This service is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (except public holidays) and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.