the minister wants to “modify the criteria” of the zero-rate loan to allow more people to access it


The Minister Delegate in charge of Housing, Patrice Vergriete, wishes to relax certain criteria “to allow more people in very tense areas to be able to access the zero-interest loan” and become owners.

“We are going to reopen the zero-interest loan to reindustrializing sites that need a lot of housing”announces the Minister Delegate in charge of Housing Patrice Vergriete, Tuesday September 12 on franceinfo. “The criteria for the Zero Interest Loan (PTZ) do not allow the middle classes to access” to the property, explains the minister. “We are looking at whether we can modify these criteria to allow more people in these very tense areas to be able to access the zero-interest loan”he adds.

>> “He has all the required qualities”: the first steps of the new Minister of Housing, Patrice Vergriete, in a sector in the midst of a crisis

“We must accept the fact that we should not build everywhere in France”he points out. “We need to work on vacant housing”he suggested. “In old city centers, there is no need for new construction, we need to transform existing housing, that’s where we have the zero-interest loan”pleaded Patrice Vergriete.

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