The Minister responsible for Social Services increases the budgets of crisis centers

Struggling with an unprecedented lack of resources, mental health crisis centers will have five million dollars more per year to operate. Funds released in extremis by the Government of Quebec so that the centers can raise the salaries of their staff and in particular prevent them from going… to the public network.

The Minister responsible for Social Services, Lionel Carmant, must make the official announcement on Thursday morning. The funds will be available starting in fiscal year 2023-2024.

As revealed The duty in late November, staff shortages in crisis centers forced some agencies to close beds and suspend services.

The 21 crisis centers offer services 7 days a week and 24 hours a day to people with fragile mental health who are — the name says it — in a state of crisis. Considered an essential service, they act as a complement to psychiatric emergencies, which they often help to discharge.

The aid announced by Minister Carmant is recurrent. This means that it will make it possible to raise the salaries of crisis center employees on a permanent basis.

The improvement in the working conditions of staff in the public network has resulted in the loss of many employees from the crisis centres, several of them reported to the To have to.

If you are thinking of suicide or if you are worried about a loved one, workers are available at all times at 1 866 APPELLE (1 866 277-3553), by text message (535353) or by chat (

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