the Minister of Transport asks that the malfunctions be resolved “as soon as possible”

The new SNCF application “offers many more functionalities” and “was necessary”, nevertheless estimated Jean Baptiste Djebbari on CNews.

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A noticeable failure. The Minister Delegate for Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, asked the SNCF to “resolve as soon as possible” the malfunctions of its new digital application, SNCF Connect, he said on Sunday February 13.

“What I said to the SNCF is that this transition to the Connect application, which it is true offers many more features in the medium term, was necessary. On the other hand, there are malfunctions that must be resolved as soon as possible”, said the minister, questioned on the CNews television channel. At SNCF, “they are committed to it, they have mobilized more than 30% of the workforce to answer the telephone to a certain number of requests”observed the Minister responsible for the railway company.

In addition to the search engine, the criticisms relate above all to the loss of passenger files, problems reading ticket QR codes, fanciful itinerary proposals, the impossibility of making more than two connections or of choosing a stage, the disappearance of price comparisons, the impossibility of using the Wallet of iPhones to store tickets, difficulties in accessing a ticket to cancel it or the very dark background chosen for the application.

the CEO of the SNCF Jean Pierre Farandou at promised that improvements would be made by the end of March.

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