the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin wants to support the gendarmes of Ouistreham

I came to support the gendarmes, who are doing a very good job“: Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin was visiting Ouistreham on Monday, December 13 (Calvados) with the gendarmes, to discuss the means of combating illegal immigration.

At the invitation of the deputy of Calvados Christophe Blanchet, the minister spoke with the gendarmes, who presented the situation in the town to him: nearly fifty migrants, mostly of Sudanese origin, live near the ferry terminal, and regularly try to reach England, by hiding in heavy goods vehicles which embark on ferries.

Gérald Darmanin visited the Ouistreham gendarmerie barracks and spoke with the gendarmes. © Radio France
Marie martirossian

A difficult situation for all those, many, who cannot cross the Channel and reach the English coasts: they live in a makeshift camp, without access to running water, in particular.

Fighting against a “call for air” to England

For Gerald Darmanin, England must review its legislation. “In the British neighbor, migrants are allowed to work without having documents and this creates a demand for air for them“, estimates the minister. He expressed the wish for an agreement on illegal immigration, concluded between the European Union and Great Britain.

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The minister then continued his visit to Caen, to the house of trust and protection of families, which welcomes victims of domestic violence.

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