the Minister of the Economy does not exclude a nationalization of the company


France 3

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Should we nationalize EDF? The question was raised by the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, because EDF is experiencing a very complicated start to the year. The journalist Sandrine Feydel, present on the set of 12/13, Thursday February 17, takes stock of the situation.

The year 2022 promises to be difficult for EDF. “On the one hand, the president has just announced, if he is re-elected, the renaissance of French nuclear energy with the construction of at least six new EPRs. An investment estimated at 52 billion euros. A colossal sum therefore, while EDF is weakened“, explains journalist Sandrine Feydel, present on the set of 12/13, Thursday, February 17.

These costs are in addition to an already quite large debt of the company: 42 billion euros. In addition, EDF has also “corrosion problems and maintenance shutdowns. Consequence: several reactors out of the 56 in the fleet which are shut down“, continues the journalist. The Minister of the Economy therefore plans to renationalise EDF. The State already owns nearly 84% of it. The other solution would be to nationalize the nuclear part, and privatize others. “But for the moment, we do not yet know the hypothesis adopted by the government.“, concludes Sandrine Feydel.


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