the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, expected in kyiv

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09:16 : It’s 9 o’clock! Let’s take a look at the news:

This is the first time he has visited the country since the start of the war on February 24. The French Minister for the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, is expected in Ukraine today. “In particular, he will pay homage to the dead at the Heroes’ monument in kyiv and will meet his Ukrainian counterpart, Oleksiy Reznikov”, explained his firm ahead of the visit. Follow our live.

The Minister of Health François Braun notes that the Covid-19 “circulates much less” on the territory. For bronchiolitis, “we went down to the level of the peaks of the previous years”, he added, during a trip to Annecy (Haute-Savoie). He is, however, concerned about a “explosion of flu cases (…) which make the intensive care units saturated”.

“The strike of general practitioners is unwelcome in this period of extreme difficulty for the health system”also denounced François Braun. “I do not question the right to strike of doctors but it is a bad period”, he continues, “this is not the right time”.

The United States is considering imposing entry restrictions on travelers from China, where authorities have abruptly relaxed their measures to fight Covid-19, American officials have said.

06:26 : Let’s take a look at the news:

The United States is considering imposing entry restrictions on travelers from China, where authorities have abruptly relaxed their measures to fight Covid-19, American officials have said.

Electricity consumption continues to fall in France, with a decline of 7.4% last week compared to the average for previous years (2014-2019) in the same week, according to the latest data from the network operator RTE.

After a leak of a dozen days, theman suspected of fatally hitting a teenager in Montpellier during the celebrations on the sidelines of the World Cup was arrested, indicted and imprisoned.

Russia will ban from February 1 the sale of its oil to foreign countries that use the price cap of Russian black gold. This ceiling price was set at the beginning of December at 60 dollars per barrel by the European Union, the G7 and Australia, and aims to deprive Moscow of significant revenue to finance its military intervention in Ukraine.

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