the Minister of Solidarity meets the vulnerable populations of the Drôme

The most fragile and most affected by heat waves are often the oldest. The Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Disabled People was on the move in the Drôme this Wednesday to visit in particular the EHPAD “The flowered island” of Roche-de-Glun, managed by the association La Teppe. Jean-Christophe Combe was able to recall the good reflexes during these heat waves: “You have to stay cool, drink, eat enough. The commitment of caregivers to fragile and isolated people is essential to deal with this situation.

I announced a summer plan to enable business continuity in nursing homes – Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities

In this EHPAD, the air conditioning makes it possible to refresh the various rooms and rooms, for fragile residents whom the Minister welcomed. Walking through the establishment, it was the staff who were able to speak to Jean-Christophe Combe, especially to testify to their happiness in working with the residents. Both Yoan and Gladys have worked in the industry for 15 years, “bravo for your commitment and this vocation!“the Minister launches them, after a short discussion.

The Managing Director of La Teppe, François Luiggi, addressed many questions to the Minister during this visit. The concern is the lack of staff, or the absence of a nurse at night. “You summarize my roadmap” reacted Jean-Christophe Combe, attentive to the questions. And the Minister to provide some answers: “The day after my appointment in July, I announced a summer plan to allow business continuity in EHPADs, to ensure greater recruitment to meet support needs in these establishments or at home.

You came for us people who sleep outside, too? – a beneficiary of aid from the Protestant Diaconate of Valence

At the end of the morning, this Wednesday, it was at the Protestant Diaconate of Valence (at the day center for the homeless) that the Minister of Solidarity was received. After an interview away from the microphones between the Minister and the social workers, Jean-Christophe Combe was arrested by a beneficiary in the refectory, at mealtime. “You came for us people who sleep outside, too?” asks this homeless woman. She explains her situation to the Minister: “We sleep outside. We have no cover at night, we have nothing at all. Even with the heat wave plan we have no cold water, we have nothing to cool down” she laments.

Are there marauding during the day?” asks the Minister, ex-director general of the French Red Cross. “They come once, they give a bottle of water. But 33 centiliters for a day is nothing at all“punctuates the woman.”You have to be aware that there are people who come voluntarily to help you, to accompany you. I am also here to hear you, to know what is missing, to know what we could do better, especially in this period of heat wave.“answers Jean-Christophe Combe.

Half-heartedly, the Minister admits that there is not enough support: “I am very sensitive to extreme poverty, it is an element that has not been sufficiently developed in recent years. We still have to fight against extreme poverty.“In particular within the framework of the government plan “Strategy against poverty”.

At the Protestant Diaconate of Valence, the Minister of Solidarity was able to talk with social workers. © Radio France
Theo Metton-Regimbeau

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