Thomas Cazenave also proposed reviewing the medical franchise system so that the French do not pay “more than €50 per year for franchises”.
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“The increase in mutual prices is not justified”said Friday December 22 on franceinfo Thomas Cazenave, Minister for Public Accounts while supplementary health insurance plans an average increase of 8.1% in their contributions in 2024, an increase not seen for several years, according to a survey by the French Mutualité published last Tuesday.
“The Minister of Health, who until a few days ago was Aurélien Rousseau, was able to denounce it publicly, summoning the mutual“, he clarified. “I call on everyone to show moderation regarding the evolution of mutual insurance prices”he outbid.
Furthermore, the former Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau said at the end of November “ready to wear” the increase in medical deductibles to better control drug expenses. They increase by more than 4% per year. “This is not sustainable”, believes this Friday Thomas Cazenave. The Minister for Public Accounts hopes that this increase in the medical franchise “be implemented”.
“No one will pay more than €50 per year for deductibles”
He proposes to “review a system that has existed since 2008, 0.50 €, which has never been reviewed by either the right or the left or questioned, to increase it by 0.50 €”, he suggests. This makes “600 to 700 million of euros in savings”, he specifies. These savings will not be made on the backs of “chronically ill” And “those with long-term illnesses (ALD)”. Furthermore, he assures that “no one will pay more than 50 € per year for deductibles”.
According to him, the increase in the medical deductible is “a form of participation in the collective effort, in the shared effort”. But he also advocates a fight against the waste of medicines, better prescriptions from doctors and a reduction in prices to combat health spending.