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Thursday, August 25, pap Ndiaye, Minister of National Education and Youth, was the guest from 20 Hours of France 2. A week before the start of the school year, he returned to the rapid training of contract workers.
pap Ndiaye, Minister of National Education and Youth guest of 20 Hours Thursday, August 25, answered on the training of teachers in four days. “On provides them with training for a few days, follow-up throughout the year with the academy inspectors and then loyalty, so that, if they wish, they can teach from year to year“, he said. He recongnizes “an experienced profession”but claims to have to do with “a tense situation”where some disciplines and academies are struggling to recruit professors.
Regarding Emanuel Macron’s proposal to pay teachers above 2,000 euros net per month, the minister announces it for “2023”. “We will make proposals both for career entry, but also for career midfielders which are also problematic. And then other proposals because the reasons why the profession is less attractive than before are not only salary“, even though pap Ndiaye recognizes that salary reasons have a lot to do with it.