The Minister of National Education promises a monthly salary of 2,000 euros net for new teachers in 2023

In an interview with “Parisien”, Pap Ndiaye also assured that a salary share will be “conditioned on new tasks”.

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Pap Ndiaye takes up the promise of Emmanuel Macron and his predecessor, Jean-Michel Blanquer. While the salaries of French teachers are significantly lower than the average in other OECD countries, the new Minister of National Education declared, on Saturday June 25 in an interview granted to the Parisianthat from 2023, new teachers will earn at least 2,000 euros net per month. “This first [hausse de rémunération] will be unconditional and will apply to all teachers”did he declare.

Currently, a trainee teacher (in the first year of teaching) earns around 1,500 euros per month, as TF1 verified last January, while a holder receives 1,800 per month during his first year.

This announcement comes as Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the main union for secondary school teachers, warned at the beginning of June that the National Education was “almost in a state of emergency”due to the lack of teachers for the next school year. “There will not be, contrary to the ministerial mantra, a teacher in front of each class”, she advanced on France Inter. The reason for this lack? Salaries not attractive enough, according to her.

“When a teacher starts, he earns 1.14 times the minimum wage. In the 1980s, he earned 2.2 times the minimum wage.”

Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the Snes-FSU union

at France Inter

The Minister also mentioned the establishment of a “salary share conditional on new tasks”. “It’s about better paying teachers and adding a bonus for those who want to go further”he said, without giving more details, explaining that discussions would take place with the trade unions and that the budget envelope remained to be defined.

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