the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, denounces a “private law justice”

“There is no code of ethics put in place by this or that party. There is justice and there is a penal code,” said the minister during a press conference on Tuesday.

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The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, denounced, Tuesday, September 27, the “private law justice” that he considers to be at work in the recent accusations of violence and harassment which targeted the EELV deputy Julien Bayou and the “rebellious” deputy Adrien Quatennens, judging that he was “time to whistle the end of recess”.

“We are creating a private law justice system that makes absolutely no sense”warned the Keeper of the Seals during a press conference at his ministry, while the two deputies withdrew from their national functions, although justice has not yet been brought to pronounce on matters concerning them. “It’s extraordinarily dangerous”lamented the former lawyer. “There is no code of ethics put in place by this or that party. There is justice and there is a penal code”estimated the Minister, qualifying his intervention as “gout”. “I am attached to the word of the victims, I am attached to the presumption of innocence, I am attached to a certain number of great principles that our civilized society has taken millennia to develop”he added.

The lawyer of the ex-companion of Julien Bayou, Me Elodie Tuaillon-Hibon, had on the contrary estimated on TwitterMonday, that the role “of a cell and an internal alert is not to criminalize facts. (…) It is to ensure that women can work/militate in the safest way for them.” “And it is not because facts ‘could not be criminally qualified’ that there would be nothing more to say” and “the employer’s responsibility stops there”.

Accused of psychological violence towards an ex-companion, the boss of the Greens Julien Bayou left his functions on Monday, considering himself trapped by a situation “untenable” in which he cannot, according to him, put forward his defence. No complaint has been filed, nor any judicial investigation opened in this case, revealed in July when the internal cell of EELV on violence and sexual harassment was seized. LFI deputy Adrien Quatennens also announced that he would step back from his role as party coordinator and from his parliamentary work after acknowledging domestic violence that led to the filing of a handrail by his wife.

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