the Minister of Justice condemns an “absurd attempt to impose the will by force”

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9:37 p.m. : @loedan We forget it, but actually, Brazil only became a democracy again in 1985. That was not so long ago.

9:36 p.m. : 21 years of military dictatorship, this is where an anti-democracy like Bolsonaro emerges; Thanks Trump!

9:35 p.m. : @democracy There is no rush to react in most Western countries, let’s be honest. The only heads of state to have reacted are Lula’s neighbors, like Chile’s President Gabriel Boric (his tweet is a little lower in this live).

9:35 p.m. : It freaks out what is happening in Brazil, as long as democracy holds .. but Bolsonarism is very well established in the country. Provided that it is not too late. I did not hear the support of the French government. Thank you FI for your work.

9:33 p.m. : Determinei a exoneração do Secretário de Segurança DF, ao mesmo tempo em que coloquei todo o efetivo das forças de segurança nas ruas, com determinação de miser e punir os responsáveis.

9:33 p.m. : The governor of the Brasilia region (it’s called the DF, the Federal District, get ready to find this abbreviation often) announces that he has dismissed his Minister of the Interior and that he has mobilized all the forces of police needed to restore order.

9:30 p.m. : Maior erro que o governo pode cometer será chamar GLO. Exército incentivou golpistas esperando justamente esse bote.

9:30 p.m. : @James This is under debate among Brazilian analysts. Some, like this journalist, think that giving full powers to the army to restore order in Brasilia would be the first nail in the coffin of democracy.

9:28 p.m. : Is the Brazilian army a guarantor of democracy or ready for a 1973 Chile-type coup?

9:27 p.m. : So unlike US the lives of Brazilian Congressional leaders are not in danger, nor is the transition of power which has already taken place in Brazil2) Jan 6 upset enough law abiding, democratic Americans – including yes many Republicans – that it backfired on Trump & accelerated

9:27 p.m. : Really upsetting to see the symbols of Brazilian democracy and law and order being vandalized today. January 8 is Brazil’s January 6. Not even on the calendar were Bolsonaro fanatics capable of much originality. Two observations 1) Brazilian leaders of Congress are not present

9:27 p.m. : As Brian Winter, an expert on South American politics, points out, the deputies and senators were not present in the chambers today, which means that unlike the attack on the Capitol, which took place in midweek, they are not physically in danger.

9:24 p.m. : @Alex Absolutely, the president was on the move to go to the bedside of flood victims. He is leading a crisis meeting by videoconference with his main ministers.

9:23 p.m. : Is Lula safe? Any news from Lula?

9:22 p.m. : Golpistas na 23 de Maio, em SP. Prometem invade também palácios de governos dos Estados #oglobo

9:21 p.m. : Other events are taking place in other major cities in Brazil. As in Sao Paulo, where a procession of Bolsonarists approaches the seat of the State (Brazil is a federal State, a little on the model of the United States).

9:17 p.m. : This is the acronym of the Workers’ Party, Lula’s left-wing party.

9:16 p.m. : The PT?

9:14 p.m. : ?AGORA: Bolsonaristas invadem o plenário do Senado Federal e depredam o patrimônio público.

9:13 p.m. : Ah, no, there are also demonstrators in the precincts of the Senate.

9:12 p.m. : Info Globo: the military police and the security of the STF have regained control of the building of the Federal Supreme Court, invaded by the bolsonarists

9:12 p.m. : According to Globe, the police regained control of the building of the Federal Supreme Court (which we saw being ransacked on the first videos). I do not know enough about the topography of the place to tell you if there are other demonstrators in other wings of the gigantic building (there is also the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and administrative buildings).

9:03 p.m. : ? Policial Militar da Cavalaria é agredido na Esplanada por bolsonaristas extremistas.

9:03 p.m. : The demonstrators – even the rioters – beat up a policeman and his horse, in front of the Brazilian Parliament.

9:00 p.m. : “We must restore order after this fraudulent election”assures an AFP journalist present on the spot Sarah Lima, a 27-year-old pro-Bolsonaro engineer from Goianesia, 300 km from Brasilia.

8:56 p.m. : The PT throws the responsibility on Ibaneis Richa, governor of Brasilia, former ally of Bolsonaro, who has under his orders the battalions of the military police of the federal district (DF)

8:56 p.m. : Still according to him, the lack of reaction of the local authorities comes from the fact that the governor of the region of Brasilia is a faithful of Jaïr Bolsonaro.

8:55 p.m. : The govt could sign a GLO: law and order guarantee within hours. Provided for by the Constitution, it would put the security of the capital in the hands of the military.

8:55 p.m. : According to the correspondent of World in the country, an equivalent of martial law could come into force to restore order.

8:53 p.m. : Impresentable attack on the very weak of the Estado Brasilero por parte de bolsonaristas.

8:53 p.m. : Chilean President Gabriel Boric just tweeted: “The Brazilian government has our full support in this cowardly and vile attack on democracy.

8:52 p.m. : Brazilian police forces are responding. US citizens are warned to avoid the area until further notice.

8:52 p.m. : Media and police report that an antidemocratic protest has turned violent and is now occupying areas of central Brasilia including the Brazilian National Congress and areas surrounding the Plaza of the 3 Powers.

8:52 p.m. : The American Embassy calls on its nationals to avoid the area of ​​Congress until the situation is under control.

8:50 p.m. : @Isa He is on the move outside the capital at the scene of a natural disaster.

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