“The goal is not only to create places, but to prevent people from entering emergency accommodation,” explained Patrice Vergriete on Monday during a visit to a day reception center in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.
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The Minister for Housing, Patrice Vergriete, announced Monday January 8 that an additional 120 million euros would be committed to “strengthen the emergency accommodation system”, while France is experiencing an episode of intense cold which will intensify on Tuesday.
“The goal is not only to create places, but to prevent people from entering emergency accommodation and to get them out more quickly,” said the minister, who visited a day reception center in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. In November, Patrice Vergriete explained on franceinfo that France had 203,000 emergency accommodation places.
Sunday, the President Emmanuel Macron had pressed the government “to speed up responses” particularly in the face of the record floods which hit Pas-de-Calais and the episode of extreme cold. Announcements from the Minister of Housing were also mentioned.