the Minister of Higher Education wants to train all students by 2025

In the future, the follow-up of “this training” will be essential to be able to be “graduated with a license, a BTS or a University Bachelor of Technology“, indicates the ministry ofe Higher Education and Research

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Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, announced Thursday, October 20 that“by 2025 at the latest, every student in public and private higher education”whatever their field of study, will be offered “a base of global and multidisciplinary knowledge and skills” on ecological transition.

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The follow-up of “this formation” will be essential in order to be “license, BTS or BUT graduate” (University Bachelor of Technology), specifies the Minister from the University of Bordeaux, in her closing speech at a seminar on the subject.

The format of these modules devoted to the ecological transition has not yet been established. “Each institution of higher education will be able to build its training offer”based on “specifications proposed in 2023”, explains Sylvie Retailleau. The specifications will be drawn up during workshops bringing together university managers, teachers, “Sustainable Development” referents, students and associations.

New teachers will also be offered from 2023, “certifying training in ecological transition” in order to integrate these issues into their courses. Professors already in post will have access to continuing education modules.

These announcements follow the submission, in February 2022, to the former Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, of a report by a group of experts on the subject, co-chaired in particular by climatologist Jean Jouzel. They also follow the speeches of students, defining themselves as “bifurcators”, from the AgroParisTech engineering school, in the spring of 2022, in which they questioned the content of their training, not ecological enough according to them.

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