From next Wednesday, Terminale students will be able to start finding out about the different possible post-baccalaureate training courses on the Parcoursup platform. Compared to last year, the platform doesn’t really change, even if some modifications have been made.
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The Parcoursup site, intended for nearly 700,000 Terminale students and students undergoing reorientation, opens Wednesday, December 20. Registrations will be possible from January. In the meantime, young people will be able to start consulting the platform which lists post-baccalaureate training and start finding out about the sectors. There are no big upheavals coming this year, despite everything, the Minister of Higher Education, Sylvie Retailleau, indicates Sunday December 17 in an interview with Sunday newspaper some adjustments.
One of the stated priorities is to improve the orientation of young people and therefore to better inform them so that there are as few surprises as possible. Additional details will therefore be provided in each training sheet, such as selectivity, the profile of candidates from previous years or even the dates of open days in universities and training courses when they are planned. According to information from franceinfo, elements on professional integration will also be added, little by little, for BTS and professional licenses.
Furthermore, high school students will be able to create their Parcoursup profile from the Secondary class, in particular to be able to find out about the training selection criteria and choose, with full knowledge of the facts, the most logical specialties in the Première class. “They will have access to a comparator to find out about the content, the status of training, the pressure rate, the tuition fees”affirms Sylvie Retailleau in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche.
On the site, some navigation improvements have also been made. This year it will be possible to select “favorite” courses, saved in memory and to use the “comparator” function which allows you to see the differences on specific points, such as tuition fees or the level of demand. “We are constantly improving the ergonomics of the platform in order to better help young people make their choice”assures Sylvie Retailleau.