the Minister of Health wants scientific advice “very quickly” on the integration of unvaccinated caregivers

The question was not “not relevant” at the beginning of the month, but it has become. The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced on Wednesday July 13 the imminent referral to the High Authority for Health (HAS) and the National Ethics Council (CCNE) on the “thorny subject” caregivers not vaccinated against Covid-19.

“I am committed to seizing the health authorities in the coming days on this particular issue”, he told the Senate during a hearing on the “health surveillance and security” bill. He specified that the request would be sent to HAS and CCNE “this weekend”.

The situation of suspended caregivers, a battle horse of the opposition, in particular the RN and LFI, since the entry into force of the vaccination obligation in the fall of 2021, was again invited into the debates in the National Assembly. , where François Braun made it known last week that reinstatement was not always “not relevant”.

The minister repeated before the senators of the law commission that the sanction affected “about 12,000” people, who “are not just caregivers”that is “about 0.4% of all health professionals”. Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson, specified after the Council of Ministers that “out of the entire hospital park, public and private, we are talking about 600 nurses who remain suspended, out of 240,000 employees”as well as “75 doctors and pharmacists out of a total of 85,000” and 100 nurses in retirement homes, i.e. “on average one for 70 nursing homes”.

François Braun assured that he wanted to bring together “very quickly” healthcare unions “to present these opinions to them and discuss the follow-up to be given”wishing “have a transparent discussion with them, [afin] that everyone takes their responsibilities, not on ideas but on precise scientific arguments”.

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