Every Friday, in the show #OnVousRépond, Daïc Audouit receives a political personality to comment on the news of the week and give a voice to spectators who can directly ask their questions.
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Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health, was invited to answer questions from viewers and Daïc Audouit on the set of the interactive franceinfo show “#OnVousRépond”, Friday December 15.
Asked about the promotion of “Dry January”, the Minister of Health “invites the French to consume alcohol in moderation, even before January”. He explains that the end-of-year holidays can be an opportunity to think about our consumption.
For him, wine would not be “not a drug”. However, he adds that “its consumption can become addictive”. He adds that she must stay “reasonable”.
“Not in favor” of the legalization of cannabis
Furthermore, he spoke on the legalization of cannabis. He confides that he does not “no definitive religion on the question”but is not there “not favorable today”. He explains himself by recalling the consequences of cannabis consumption: “I know for sure its neurological impact”.