the Minister of Health announces the opening of a vaccinodrome in Paris

Health authorities want to step up prevention efforts against monkeypox, of which 1,567 cases have been confirmed in France so far. The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced on Monday July 25 the opening of a large vaccination center in Paris. “Tomorrow, in Paris, opens a center which will be able to very significantly increase the volume of vaccinations. To date, more than a hundred vaccination centers are in place.” throughout the territory, he said on BFMTV.

“We have the doses, now we need the arms to vaccinate”also insisted François Braun, who announced that medical students could soon participate in the vaccination campaign against monkeypox, thanks to a decree published on Tuesday.

The town hall of Paris does not share this observation: the 30,000 doses of vaccine destocked announced Friday by the Ministry of Health represents a figure “completely insufficient”according to the EELV health assistant, Anne Souyris, for whom it would take ten times more to vaccinate preventively, in two doses, all people at risk in Ile-de-France.

The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, decided to trigger the highest level of alert on Saturday in an attempt to stem the outbreak of monkeypox around the world.

Since early May, when it was detected outside African countries where it is endemic, the disease has struck more than 16,836 people in 74 countries, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dashboard. ) as of July 22.

A study published Thursday in the scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine confirms that in 95% of recent cases, the disease was transmitted through sexual contact and 98% of those affected were gay or bisexual men.

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