the Minister of Finance and his wife again criticized on their tax arrangements

The cascading revelations about the millions saved in taxes by his wife Akshata Murty, then those concerning the American “green card” than Rishi Sunak possessed until last year, damaged the minister’s reputation.

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Critics and questions are mounting against the British finance minister and his wife, Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty, for their fiscal arrangements. The opposition underlines the “ethical” issues they pose, at a time when British households are crumbling under inflation and numerous tax increases.

The cascading revelations about the millions saved in taxes by Akshata Murty, then those concerning the American “green card” that Rishi Sunak had until last year, have damaged the reputation of the minister.

“At a time when the chancellor is asking people to pay so much more tax…of course the public expects the minister’s family to be affected in the same way as everyone else”Labor MP Yvette Cooper pointed to the BBC on Sunday, April 10.

Akshata Murty, Rishi Sunak’s wealthy Indian wife, enjoys “undomiciled” status in the UK, even though she lives in London. This allows him to avoid paying tax on his foreign income to the British tax authorities. After the criticism, she announced that she would give up this advantage on Friday.

The finance minister is also being criticized for his lack of transparency, after admitting that until last year he had an American “green card” granting him permanent resident status in the United States. His name also appears in trusts in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands, two tax havens, according to the newspaper. The Independent.

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