The minister spoke on Saturday after a painting by Claude Monet at the Musée d’Orsay was targeted, without being damaged, by an environmental activist.
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Rachida Dati, the Minister of Culture, reacted on The young woman stuck a poster on Poppies, a painting by Claude Monet, protected by glass. She wanted to warn about global warming. The Musée d’Orsay told franceinfo that the impressionist painting could quickly be put back on display. It was not damaged.
“Once again, a cultural institution and a work of art are targeted by iconoclasts”wrote Rachida Dati on the social network a few hours after the activist’s arrest. “This destruction of art by criminals cannot be justified in any way. It must stop!”continued the minister, adding that she “requested the Minister of Justice for a penal policy adapted to this new form of delinquency which attacks the most noble aspect of our cohesion: culture!”