The objective is to have a “more powerful, more efficient” public broadcasting system, and “this year is the last shooting window”, she assured the Senate on Tuesday.
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She wants to go quickly. The Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, wishes “a unique governance” from this year for public broadcasting, which includes France Télévisions and Radio France, she declared on Tuesday March 12 during a hearing in the Senate.
“Ideally we should close by the end of the year, so that on January 1, 2025 it will be operational”, specified the minister, heard by the Senate Culture and Communication Committee. The objective is to have a public audiovisual “more powerful, more efficient”And “this year is the last shooting window”she added.
The minister had already said several times in recent weeks that she wanted “gather strength” public broadcasting: for this, “we need a single governance”she argued before the senators, saying she wanted “move forward without any taboo”but without clearly specifying whether it wanted to go as far as merging France Télévisions and Radio France. “To be able to have a single governance, to merge, to push for cooperation, for synergies – I was going to say merger –, in any case that there is efficiency in governance and functioning, it is a goal that we must all have”she added.