the minister had an exchange with her son’s former teacher

The Minister of National Education had an exchange with her son’s former teacher on Monday evening. On Tuesday, she will go to the Littré public school in Paris, where her eldest child was educated for a few months.


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Amélie Oudéa-Castera, in Bordeaux, June 14, 2023. (GUILLAUME BONNAUD / MAXPPP)

In the midst of controversy over the schooling of her children in private education, the Minister of National Education, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, had an exchange with her son’s former teacher, Monday January 15, according to information from franceinfo. She will go to the Littré school, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, on Tuesday to talk with teachers.

A “consensual and peaceful exchange”

It was “a consensual and peaceful exchange”, confirms the minister’s entourage. The two women tried to gather their memories, reports a collaborator according to whom, they apologized mutually. They also promised to stay in touch in the future to discuss the situation in public schools. “The minister did not lie”, She “is based 15 years later, on the memory and the feelings that this period left him”said the ministry, half-heartedly recognizing that the minister moved too quickly.

Tuesday January 16, at the end of the morning, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra will go to the Littré school in the 6th arrondissement of Paris where her son was educated before she enrolled him in the private sector, to discuss with the teachers . This is’“a personal initiative”assures her cabinet, even if the minister spoke with the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. “They are uniting behind her”according to his entourage, while Emmanuel Macron will be in front of more than 300 journalists on Tuesday for a major press conference intended to relaunch his mandate.

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