The Minister Delegate in charge of Health, Frédéric Valletoux, has committed to “zero tolerance” on France Inter.
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The Minister Delegate in charge of Health, Frédéric Valletoux, met Karine Lacombe on Wednesday April 24, his entourage told franceinfo. Frédéric Valletoux and the infectious disease specialist, at the origin of a #MeToo at the hospital, “share a common desire to move forward” on the issue of sexist and sexual violence in the health sector, said the same source. The minister had not yet seen Karine Lacombe since she accused emergency media worker Patrick Pelloux of sexual and moral harassment.
After the head of the infectious diseases hospital department at Saint-Antoine hospital, Frédéric Valletoux will receive “student unions and employers’ federations” on April 29, added his entourage, then “orders” on May 6. Guest of France Inter on Wednesday, the minister was firm about sexist and sexual violence. “The culture of impunity, if it exists here or there, is over”he said, and “Indeed, there will be zero tolerance from this point of view.”
The health system “in general” must be looked at
He promised “concrete avenues” and “concrete proposals”. According to him, “the idea is that we ensure that in establishments, everyone can put an end to this atmosphere, this culture, this behavior, this sexist and sexual violence which has undoubtedly characterized certain establishments too much.”
Frédéric Valletoux, however, refused to “cast stones only at the hospital, because it is the health system in general that must be looked at”. Also, he will watch “so that it is the health system that is actually discussed”.