The Minister Delegate for Digital Jean-Noël Barrot dismissed from the Uber file

The Minister’s sister is in charge of communication for the chauffeur-driven car company in part of Europe.

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The Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition, Jean-Noël Barrot, is excluded from files concerning the VTC Uber platform, in order to avoid any conflict of interest, according to a decree published in the Official Journal on Friday July 22.

The decree allows this member of the government not to deal with a company of which his sister, Hélène Barrot, is director of communication for Western and Southern Europe. The Minister, when this family link was revealed, had indicated to BFMTV that he would comply with the provisions laid down in this case.

Uber was one of the subjects of controversy at the start of Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term, with the revelation of internal group documents showing in particular that he had, when he was Minister of the Economy, privileged exchanges with the company. Jean-Noel Barrot, 39, is an economist by training from the MoDem, twice elected deputy of Yvelines, and son of the former minister and European commissioner Jacques Barrot.

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