Video length: 2 min
Employment: the minimum wage at 1,600 euros net, the promise of the left which divides the employers
Employment: the minimum wage at 1,600 euros net, the promise of the left which divides the employers
The increase in the minimum wage, desired by the New Popular Front, is defended by several unions, who point out that the minimum wage in France is not the highest in Europe. But this idea worries some bosses.
In a Marseille company, the idea of a minimum wage of 1,600 euros net delights the boss. “As a company, we also have a social responsibility”estimates Guney Degerli. 35 employees work for his company Basil, and a third are on minimum wage. “With this increase, we will certainly have employees who will be much more committed to the company.”he continues. His position is, however, a minority within an employers’ organization largely opposed to an increase in the minimum wage, which is described as brutal.
The economic disaster scenario is refuted by the unions, who point out that the minimum wage in France is not the highest in Europe. At 1,767 euros gross, it is notably behind Luxembourg and Germany. “I would like to remind you that 52% of the French gross domestic product is household consumption. If workers get a pay rise, they will not place [leur argent]they will spend it”argues Frédéric Souillot, the general secretary of Force Ouvrière. Will companies lay off staff in the face of the increase? According to studies, the figures vary from 30,000 to more than 230,000 jobs lost.