“The military outcome is an impasse in the face of a nuclear power”, believes Manuel Bompard, coordinator of LFI


Video duration: 10 min

War in Ukraine: “The military outcome is an impasse in the face of a nuclear power”, believes Manuel Bompard, coordinator of LFI

War in Ukraine: “The military outcome is an impasse in the face of a nuclear power”, believes Manuel Bompard, coordinator of LFI

(France 2)

Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France Insoumise (LFI), was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday March 5.

Emmanuel Macron invited party leaders to the Élysée on Thursday March 7 to discuss the issue of Ukraine. A meeting which comes after the controversial remarks of the head of state on a possible sending of Western troops to Ukraine in the future. On this subject, the French president indicated, Monday, refusing “to enter into a logic of escalation”. “In response to a question asked about sending troops, I replied that nothing was excluded”explained Emmanuel Macron in an interview with the Czech daily Pravo.

Invited Tuesday in “4 Vérités” on France 2, Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France Insoumise (LFI), confirms his presence at this meeting at the Élysée. “I am always available to meet the President of the Republic, particularly on international issues”he assures. “I find it regrettable that we are invited to come and discuss international issues, while at the same time, the President of the Republic is multiplying sweeping declarations last week, paving the way for a intervention of French troops in Ukraine”however adds Manuel Bompard.

“We have no choice” to discuss with Vladimir Putin

The LFI coordinator indicates that he will “ask”during this meeting with Emmanuel Macron, that“we are finally opening the diplomatic path”. “I am not saying that the Ukrainians must stop the fight. I am saying that we must bring the Ukrainians, the Russians, a certain number of international powers around the table, to obtain the conditions for a peace agreement as quickly as possible. peace”he specifies. “We do not have a choice” to discuss with Vladimir Putin, believes Manuel Bompard, because “the military outcome is an impasse in the face of a nuclear power”.

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