This tax measure concerns a total of two million taxed households, who use their vehicle for professional purposes.
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A little boost to fight against inflation. The government will upgrade “exceptionally” the mileage allowance scale “by 5.4%”, announced on the set of the program “C à Vous” on France 5, Wednesday March 22, the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal. This tax measure concerns a total of two million taxable households who use their vehicle for professional purposes.
In January 2022, this scale had already been raised by 10%. This new revaluation, which relates to 2022 income, “can represent more than 100 euros for a single person who earns 2,900 euros”, said Bercy to AFP. It represents a cost for the State of 140 million euros.
“I think that our action must be directed above all towards these French people, this middle class who work, who have the feeling that they are always asked for more, either for others who cannot work, or for services public who are deteriorating while it is financed by their taxes”justified Gabirel Attal.