The president of the PS group in the National Assembly judged that if the immigration problem is real in Mayotte, the means chosen to try to resolve it was not the right one.
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“There is a migration issue which seems to me to be approached in the most demagogic way possible and probably the most ineffective”, criticizes this Monday on France Inter Boris Vallaud, president of the socialist group in the National Assembly, the day after Gérald Darmanin’s announcement of a constitutional revision intended to eliminate land rights in Mayotte. The PS deputy from Landes does not “don’t believe” that this decision can respond to the insecurity and the migration crisis which are hitting the island in the Indian Ocean.
Boris Vallaud thus recalls that “soil law is already harsher in Mayotte than in the rest of French territory” without this producing “the expected effects”. The leader of the socialist deputies fears that this constitutional revision will “than open a new sterile debate in France”referring to the immigration law which, according to him, was not of a “great success from the point of view of principles”. He mentions in particular the positive reactions “of the extreme right and the right who wonder why only Mayotte”.
We should instead look at public services, according to Boris Vallaud
The Landes MP insists on the need to carry out a “migratory policy that is concerned with co-development” with “the three neighboring islands of the Comoros”. He believes that given the situation in Mayotte, the State must above all be interested in “the way of working with the Comoros and with this entire region”. “There is this proximity, we have to do something positive with it,” adds Boris Vallaud.
The president of the socialist group in the Assembly calls on the government to instead focus on “the questions of school, daily safety, social action and access to care”. “Issues of judicial protection of young people and social assistance for children must not be avoided”, he pleads. Boris Vallaud considers that as inhabitants of “101st French department, [les Mahorais] have the right to the same public services, the same quality of public service provision as anywhere else in France.” “The Republic must be there”he maintains.