the migration issue at the heart of his displacement


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1 minute


Friday September 22, Pope Francis will arrive in Marseille for a two-day visit. The sovereign pontiff should in particular discuss the fate of migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

On July 8, 2013, Pope Francis came to meet migrants on the island of Lampedusa. He throws a wreath of flowers in tribute to the victims. For his first official visit, Pope Francis left nothing to chance. The migration issue will be at the heart of his pontificate. “Migrants, before being numbers, are people, are faces, names, they are storiess, affirmed Pope Francis. Since his election, he has increased his travels and meetings with migrants, as in 2021 on the island of Lesbos.

Responsible behavior

This migration issue will be at the heart of his visit to Marseille, Friday September 22, a few days after the massive arrival of migrants in Lampedusa (Italy). “He is the only head of state, the only religious leader to have taken up this issue of migration. We cannot remain indifferent to what he says”, explains Priscilla de Selve, the editor-in-chief of La Vie. In his high mass, scheduled for Saturday, the Pope should call on States to behave responsibly in the face of the tragedies that are playing out in Mediterranean.

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