the migration issue at the heart of British, Italian and German news



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Like every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Wednesday May 10th.

Nearly 45,000 migrants crossed the Channel last year. Rishi Sunak, the British Prime Minister, plans to block this passage by denying asylum to anyone entering Britain illegally. Examined Wednesday, May 10 in the House of Lords, the text scandalized the highest dignitary of the Anglican Church. A motion of censure could even see the light of day.
The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, is in Prague (Cheque Republic) to find reinforcements. “We should focus on defending the external borders, working on a repatriation policy in collaboration with the countries of origin of the migrants“, she said on this occasion. The two countries also took the opportunity to sign many contracts.

German regions want more money to take in refugees

One million Ukrainians and 300,000 refugees from other countries were welcomed to Germany in 2022. But the regions are demanding more money from Berlin. Categorical response from the Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner. “The federal state is not prepared to solve a recurring problem with money alone. We don’t want to fund this problem, we want a change in migration policy.“An agreement for aid of one billion euros was however found on Wednesday.

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