the midday master at the heart of a lively controversy, why his participation is talked about…

Will Laurent Ducourneau become THE greatest midday master? The record is held by Bruno who stayed nine months in the game, or 252 participations! The young man had signed 92 masterstrokes, discovered 9 stars and won 1,026,107 in winnings and gifts before being dethroned on October 5, 2021.

For the moment, Laurent has been champion on TF1 for a month… but his victories are already making people cringe. The man is not accused of being favored by the production as some candidates have been, but singled out because he is a philosophy teacher in a high school in Libourne and he has not been replaced since the start of his participation. To appear on the show alongside Jean-Luc Reichmann, Laurent has indeed taken unpaid leave and warned his management. Unfortunately, he has not been replaced and his students have been without a teacher for four weeks now.

Laurent Ducourneau soon to return to his post?
While students have been deprived of philosophy classes for a month, parents are beginning to be worried and angry, especially because their children have to take the baccalaureate philosophy test in a few weeks.

Faced with the rise of the controversy, the principal of this high school in Gironde explained that the substitute teacher did not show up as planned because he fell ill and that the rectorate is struggling to find another person to provide lessons in the absence of Laurent Ducourneau. It is rumored that the latter should be back in class for the start of the February holidays but the missed classes will unfortunately not be made up for…

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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