the metropolis of Orléans still refuses to do the road works

The showdown was predictable: it will take place. The metropolis of Orléans still refuses to do road works necessary to finally launch the construction of the new prison planned in the Groues district – construction which was to begin in the 2nd half of 2020 for commissioning in 2022. This prison, of the SAS type (Structure of support for release) must accommodate 120 prisoners at the end of their sentence to prepare for their return to civilian life, including 30 on day parole.

The deadline expired yesterday at midnight

As revealed by our colleagues from the Central Republic, APIJ, the public agency for justice real estatewhich leads this project on behalf of the State, at the beginning of the year, sent a formal notice to the metropolis to carry out this work – which consist in particular of diverting a rainwater pipe. According to our information, the deadline ran until Wednesday, February 2 at midnight. But nothing has been done. The promise to carry out this work was however included in the deed of sale of the land, which the metropolis had signed with the State in 2019.

Justice soon seized?

What can happen now? In its letter, the APIJ wrote black on white: “In the absence of implementation of the contractual commitments, APIJ acting in the name and on behalf of the State will assert its rights before the competent court.“. In other words: to obtain from justice that a work injunction be pronounced, under penalty of financial penalty. Will this threat be carried out? Will the administrative court be seized? Solicited, APIJ was not able to answer us.

No official precision, either, on the side of the metropolis: “We must discuss it soon between elected officials“, we say soberly, recalling that the city of Orléans had proposed an alternative to the project last June, an alternative which does not seem to have been examined by the State. It could be trying to play for time a few months before the presidential election, in the hope that this will help to reshuffle the cards. “As long as the first stone is not laid, the project is not irreversible“, want to believe some elected officials, also convinced that the State will not dare to take legal action before the ballot on April 10 and 24.

The construction of the Groues prison was supposed to start in the second half of 2020…
DR Champenois Architects

Others point out, on the contrary, that Bouygues-Constructionchosen as prime contractor in this case, would also be entitled to claim compensation, since the site has still not started and it involves 25 million euros… Others, finally, would like although the issue of detention and rehabilitation be mentioned by the candidates during the presidential election, the Groues project being perhaps, ultimately, a textbook case….

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