the metropolis of Nice reinstates the wearing of a compulsory mask in transport, announces Christian Estrosi

The mayor of Nice announced it on RTL on Wednesday morning, while more than 200,000 contaminations were recorded throughout the country on Tuesday.

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He takes the lead. The mayor of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), Christian Estrosi, announced Wednesday July 6 on RTL that the mask would again be compulsory in public transport in the metropolis from Monday July 11. “I took my decree with other mayors of the metropolis of Nice (…) so that everyone from Monday wears the mask in a mandatory way”on the 2,500 km of the bus and tram network, he said.

The mayor of Nice goes further than the government which, for the moment, only recommends wearing the mask again in public transport.

For Christian Estrosi, the government “will be forced to come to it, because 200,000 cases more in less than 24 hours [selon les chiffres de Santé publique France publiés mardi soir]we can clearly see that we are on a 7th wave which is skyrocketing and which is leading us towards a high-risk return to school”.

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