The #Metoo of the nightlife world, the Americans reopen their borders and the Covid, the start for a new season?

March 13, 2020. Donald Trump issues a decree imposing restrictions on travelers from the Schengen area. It was supposed to be for 30 days, it ended up being 20 months. The measure, confirmed by Joe Biden when he arrived at the White House, was finally lifted this morning.

For several thousand families, it is a relief, after more than a year and a half of visio, even when everyone was vaccinated. Grégory Philipps, Radio France correspondent in Washington until the summer of 2021, told us about this strange period and the upheavals it caused, in his family intimacy as well as for the country’s economy.

On the other hand, we would like to be able to control him with a “travel ban”. The Covid-19 seems to be on the rise in France, after several months of calm. Let us not be alarmist either: the contamination figures of the last few weeks are five times lower than those of November last year, hospitalizations in intensive care four times lower.

The recovery is however there, surely due to the cooling of the temperatures which brings us back inside, and that is not to the taste of everyone. In particular schoolchildren who made their return this morning and who must, in 40 departments, put back the mask they had dropped with pleasure just before the holidays.

There was theater, cinema, Sciences Po and so many other fields. The #MeToo wave is now reaching the night world. It all started with social networks. An indignation born in the streets of Brussels, after several cases of attacks in bars in a student district of the Belgian capital.

A “Balance Ton Bar” account was created on Instagram following this collective outrage. And it has spread: accounts have been launched in several French cities while a boycott of Brussels bars is organized for Friday evening. We discussed it with the founder of the Instagram account, Maïté Meeus.

Guests: Grégory Philipps, deputy editor of France Culture and former correspondent for Radio France in the United States, and Maïté Meeus, founder of “Balance Ton Bar”

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