the method “shocks me”, says Eric Coquerel, LFI deputy

“In that case, we could dissolve the government“, lambasted thehe deputy of La France insoumise who believes that if these debates took place in the Council of Ministers, it would be more transparent.

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The method “shocks me“, launched Friday September 2 on franceinfo Eric Coquerel, president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly and LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, criticizing the holding of the Defense Council on the energy crisis which took place on Friday .

What is the Council of Ministers for?“, asks Eric Coquerel. “In that case, we could dissolve the government. And each time there is something serious in this country that has more or less a link with strategic issues, we set up a Defense Council.“According to the deputy, this type of advice”goes with all the evolution of this Fifth Republic always more monarchical, and that Emmanuel Macron uses in this sense”.

He believes that if these debates took place in the Council of Ministers, it would be more transparent. “The Council of Ministers, in essence, is responsible to Parliament, to the nation and including in the transparency of these debates. So, yes, there is a big difference with the Defense Council“The deputy asks the President of the Republic”to stop with this kind of method.

“It is demeaning for the government. It suggests that the government is not able to manage cases of exceptional crisis.”

Eric Coquerel, LFI deputy

on franceinfo

Faced with the energy crisis and the solutions to be implemented, Eric Coquerel considers that the government “does not anticipate anything for a few years compared to what all the scientists say“. He returns to the speech of the climatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte in front of the members of the government for “a remedial course for ministers to understand climate change“. According to him, it is “rather worrying to think that the government needs a remedial course“.”This government shows that it is incapable of anticipating what will be produced by climate change“, adds Eric Coquerel.

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