the Merlus wipe out their two-goal deficit just before the break!

The Morbihannais, sixteenth in Ligue 1, face Stéphanois on Friday, eighteenth and in full doubt.

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A point. This is what separates Saint-Etienne and Lorient in the Ligue 1 standings, eight days from the end. The Hakes, 16th, welcome the Greens, 18th at the Moustoir stadium, Friday, April 8, for what looks like a game of fear. On a bad dynamic, Saint-Etienne, and its trainer Pascal Dupraz, hope to let go of the place of play-off they currently occupy, by returning in front of a direct opponent in maintenance. In the first leg, in August, the two teams had left back to back (1-1).

The meeting promises to be, once again, open. The two opponents have just suffered a heavy defeat: the Lorient against the Parisian leader (5-1) and the Stéphanois against OM (4-2). Will Wahbi Khazri, the Greens’ top scorer this season, be able to shake Paul Nardi’s nets? Will Terem Moffi score a second goal in a row? The live answer:

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