the memory of Joe Biden questions


Video length: 2 min

United States: the memory of Joe Biden questions

United States: the memory of Joe Biden questions – (franceinfo)

After several errors by Joe Biden and a damning report from a prosecutor, the memory of the President of the United States is at the heart of all questions.

In Washington DC (United States), an angry Joe Biden appeared at the White House lectern. In front of the press, he assured that his age is not an obstacle to the exercise of his functions. “I’m an old man and I know what the hell I’m doing. I’m president and I put this country back on its feet.”, defends Joe Biden. He was reacting to Robert Hur’s report. Responsible for investigating Joe Biden’s management of confidential documents, this special prosecutor announced that he would not initiate proceedings against the 81-year-old president.

A new error in the middle of a speech

This decision is motivated by the state of the president, which the magistrate describes as “an elderly man with a bad memory”. As if to corroborate these accusations, Joe Biden made an error in front of the press about the nationality of the Egyptian president, saying that he is the president of Mexico. For Mike Johnson, leader of the conservatives in the House of Representatives, Joe Biden “does not have the skills required to be in the Oval Office”.

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