the memories of Line Renaud


France 3

Article written by

C.Thebaud, M.Renier, P.Crapoulet, E.From – France 3

France Televisions

Joséphine Baker enters the Pantheon on Tuesday, November 30. The ceremony will be chaired by Emmanuel Macron. Among his relatives, there was Line Renaud, admiring the strength of this woman.

Line Renaud delivers a touching testimony about the death of Joséphine Baker in the 19/20. I was called and I was told ‘come quickly Josephine is dying‘. We stayed in the room next to her, we could hear her breathing. There was his sister, Jean-Claude Brialy and me. And so Josephine was dying. She couldn’t see us anymore, she was in a coma”, Confides moved Line Renaud.
It was the rhythm and then nothing, a dead bird

It was a pleasure for her when she saw the reception of the public. The party, the luxury, the dance… She was moving. She changed her costume in a few minutes. It was the rhythm and then nothing, a dead bird”, Continues Line Renaud. Josephine Baker was the first black woman and the first American stage artist who adopted and loved France, embracing the values ​​of the Republic.


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