The meeting of Valérie Pécresse and Jean-Luc Mélenchon “useful vote” from the left… The informed of the morning of Monday February 14, 2022

Every morning, those in the know debate subjects that are or will be the news of the day.

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély to decipher the news of Monday February 14, Alix Bouilhaguetpolitical columnist for franceinfo and Bruno Divenewspaper columnist South West.

The themes :

Did Valérie Pécresse pass her great oral? It was the first big meeting of the presidential candidate Les Républicains on Sunday February 13 at the Zenith in Paris. A packed house of 6,000 to 7,000 activists from all over France. An expected exercise which is not really Valérie Pécresse’s favorite. An effort of scenography to highlight it and a political positioning on the right.

Can Jean-Luc Mélenchon establish himself as the “useful vote” on the left? The candidate of La France insoumise was Sunday in front of 7,000 people in Montpellier. Hugolian accents of old sage of the left. He castigated finance, liberalism, Macron and emphasized social issues and purchasing power. Can the broken left at the top rebuild its unity at the base in the ballot boxes around the Mélenchon ballot?

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