the meeting between Gérald Darmanin and the Corsican nationalists, scheduled for Friday, is canceled

The meeting on the future of Corsica, scheduled for Friday at the Ministry of the Interior between Gérald Darmanin and the Corsican nationalists, and which were to address in particular the question of the autonomy of the island, is canceled, learned Monday, April 4 franceinfo from a source familiar with the matter, confirming information from Europe 1.

The cancellation of this meeting is explained by the new violence which took place this Sunday in Ajaccio. A demonstration in Ajaccio for Yvan Colonna brought together 4,000 people, according to the prefecture, 14,000 people according to the organizers. According to a police source joined by franceinfo, 27 people were injured, including 12 among the police.

“In the light of the last two weeks, it must be recognized that the conditions for a normalized dialogue are hardly met”, explains to franceinfo the entourage of the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. “These events are obviously unacceptable, both for democracy, which cannot be complacent about violence, and for the Corsicans themselves, who disapprove of these events.”

“Nearly 43 actions or demonstrations have taken place over the past two weeks, almost all of them punctuated by violent outbursts, in the presence of elected officials who are nevertheless supposed to participate in the discussions planned in Paris”adds the entourage of the minister. “In total, there are nearly 59 injured, both among the police and the demonstrators, who have not been the subject of any public condemnation.”

In total, more than 2,800 grenades, including tear gas, were used by the forces, as well as water launchers. Three buildings, for a total of around 500 people, were evacuated after the start of fires. In addition, three cars and containers were set on fire. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin had undertaken to open negotiations this week on “all Corsican issues”, including “the institutional evolution towards a status of autonomy yet to be specified”.

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