the medical deductible now doubled


Video length: 2 min

Health: the medical deductible now doubled

The amount of the out-of-pocket cost for medicines has doubled since March 31. This decision does not please everyone.

Each purchase of medicine has cost more since the morning of March 31. 1 euro remains the responsibility of the patient, compared to 50 cents previously. An increase that most patients understand. “Health has taken a hit and it seems normal to me to participate in the recovery of French finances”confides a patient.

France should remain the country in Europe where all health costs are best reimbursed

The most vulnerable, pregnant women and children are not affected. However, this measure worries those who have low incomes. Despite everything, France should remain the country in Europe where all health costs are best reimbursed with 8.7% of expenses borne by patients compared to 12% in Germany and 21% in Spain. In the coming months, the government plans to increase patients’ flat-rate contributions for doctor’s consultations and medical analyses.

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