The infectious disease specialist also specified on Thursday that “40% of contaminations occur under the same roof”.
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There “median” of Covid-19 contaminations, is “three quarters of an hour”, underlines Thursday December 28 on franceinfo Benjamin Davido, infectious disease specialist and Covid-19 referent at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches in Hauts-de-Seine. A new British study concludes that eight out of ten Covid contaminations come from exposure of more than an hour to an infected person. A number “Extremely important”assures the infectious disease specialist.
However, “we must not be naive, this does not mean that if we come across someone who is contaminated for 30 minutes, we will not become contaminated”, would like to alert Benjamin Davido. He then emphasizes that “40% of contaminations occur under the same roof”.
The Covid referent at Garches hospital recalls that periods of “brewing” at the time of the end-of-year celebrations, vacations, are “unfortunately situations at risk of contamination” with loved ones, family. Benjamin Davido would like to point out that one of the very important gestures in these moments is “to ventilate” the room.
The infectious disease specialist also addresses the period of “quadruple epidemic” which affects France: bronchiolitis, flu, mycoplasma, and obviously Covid. There, he recalls the importance of “wearing a mask”And “the vaccine when there is one”. Especially since the flu epidemic “absolutely intensifies”since she “has just returned to Île-de-France and Hauts-de-France, so it is only just getting started”. Benjamin Davido deplores a “vaccination coverage” Who “stay weak”even if “it does a little better than that of Covid”.