the media starred chef divides the French, his cash statement on the regularization of foreign employees!

Thierry Marx is not just a starred chef known to everyone. The ex-juror of Top chef spoke as President of the Union of Hotel Trades and Industries. In an interview published in the edition of Sunday newspaper this December 4th. He called for a regularization of foreign employees in the sector “recognized for their skills”.

“When you are looking for pastry chefs or cooks and you cannot find any in France, you have to look elsewhere”, he pointed out.“Our sector, catering, should already be considered to be under recruitment pressure ! We have 200 000 unfilled vacancies and surprisingly they are not on the list for recruiting foreign staff. Same thing for the hotel industry., he cursed. “We are asking for a rapid regularization of our foreign employees recognized for their skills and who find themselves immersed in illegality overnight”. The follower of molecular cuisine also regretted the “administrative delays”.

Last October when he was elected, Thierry Marx explained to France 2 that his goal was to “weigh a little bit on this activity, especially on the social impact”. “I thought we were a little short of what needed to be put in place, and on the impact environmental“. Let’s hope for him that his call will be heard!

See also: Dave found “there, lying on the ground, inert.”, still in shock, his companion Patrick Loiseau recounts the terrible details of the drama

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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