“The media did not consider all the candidates in the same way”, according to Jean Lassalle’s campaign manager

The presidential candidate considered that this campaign was “rotten” by “journalists” whom he described as “cowards”. Jean Lassalle “does not want to make a buzz”, but “to react according to Dalila Berbagui who the media “system”.

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“The media did not play the game of considering all the candidates in the same way”, explained Friday, April 1 on franceinfo Dalila Berbagui, campaign director for Jean Lassalle. They are at least “five or six” media in this case, added the campaign manager.

The presidential candidate said on the BFM TV channel: “This campaign is rotten, for once not by the politicians because we knew they were filthy cowardly, and I’m one of them, but we didn’t know that the journalists were so cowardly. “

For most French people, “there is no campaign”explained Dalila Berbagui. “Obviously there is a particular context with the war in Ukraine, but the campaign is even more difficult insofar as there is no debate between the candidates.”

With such remarks, Jean Lassalle “doesn’t want to make a buzz”judge Dalila Berbagui, but “to react. More than 95% of our media are owned by billionaires, CAC40 bosses and we know the consequences that this can have. We feel the influence of Vincent Bolloré”for example.

“When Jean Lassalle says ‘cowardice’, he is not attacking the person he has in front of him but a system which means that the media are no longer free”, she believes. Jean Lassalle makes “Strong acts to raise awareness as a whistleblower.”

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