The boss of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, suggests Tuesday on France Inter that Elisabeth Borne take the example of the agreement on the sharing of value signed between unions and employers, at the end of February, “without noise” and “without fury”.
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The Medef “continue to support this pension reform“, “painful, complicated to explain” but “essestial”, assures its president Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Tuesday April 4 on France Inter. He will be received on Wednesday by Elisabeth Borne at Matignon, alongside the main employers’ organisations. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux denies having kept a low profile, so far, regarding the disputed bill.
>> LIVE. Find here the latest information on the pension reform
“We consulted upstream, then it was Parliament’s time, but we continue to defend this reform”he explains. “We defend it because we need to increase the amount of work in this country”continues the president of Medef, who recognizes however that “the method was not good”. “We still see what this causes, we feel the anger of the French, it goes beyond the pension reform”observes Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.
“We have to change the method”
“To the Prime Minister, I would say that we must change our method”, says the boss of Medef. He also suggests that he “take the example of the value-sharing agreement” signed between unions and employers at the end of February. The national inter-professional agreement (ANI) should make it possible to simplify and extend the sharing of profits to company employees, in particular in the smallest companies. “This is the first time since 1945 that during a major social movement, unions and employers manage to talk to each other, without noise, without fury: this is the right method to use”, adds Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.
Should the highest incomes participate to make the pension reform more acceptable? The president of Medef considers that it was a possibility, but according to him, “lower corporate taxes” do “reduce unemployment And “allows France to better withstand the recession”. “It works, the policy of supply, so I believe that we should not change policy”, summarizes Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.